These regulations will be strictly compliant for all participants of the event called RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE 2024. Any incident not included in it, will be resolved by the Jury of the RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE, the Sports Director of the event, a Member of the Organization and a representative of the runners.


Check the regulations of the Ribera Run Experience %currentyear%

Art.2.- TESTS


The RIBERA RUN is a running sports experience that will run between Bodega de Carramimbre and Peñafiel over a distance of 30 kilometers.

The RIBERA RUN will take place on Saturday, September 14, 2024 in the city of Peñafiel, Valladolid. The test is at 9:00 a.m. from the Carramimbre Winery. The finish line is located in the Plaza delCoso in Peñafiel and will be open until 5:00 p.m.


The RIBERA RUN MEDIA is a modality of the RIBERA RUN with lower physical demands that will take place between the Emilio Moro Wineries located in the municipality of Pesquera de Duero and Peñafiel, the goal taking place in the Plaza del Coso de Peñafiel. The RIBERA RUN MEDIA will take place on Saturday, September 14, 2024 with a distance of 17 kilometers.

The start of the test is at 11:00 a.m. at Bodegas Emilio Moro.

La meta está situada en la Plaza del Coso de Peñafiel y estará abierta hasta las 17:00h.

For those runners who want to enjoy the route at their own pace and without stress, Ribera Run Media offers the possibility of doing the entire tour in hiking mode.

The Hikers will leave approximately 15′ after the competitive modality leaves.


The RIBERA RUN PROMO is a popular and festive modality of the 7-kilometer RIBERA RUN that will start on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the facilities of the BodegaVinos de La Luz (Mélida) and the Plaza del Coso de Peñafiel where the finish line will be located, open until 7:30 p.m.


RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE se celebra con respeto absoluto al medio ambiente.

Participants must respect the environment in which the test is carried out and keep the environment clean. Para ello deberán comer y beber SIN DEJAR NINGÚN ENVASE FUERA DE LOS CONTENEDORES habilitados para tal uso.


Through a simple testimony of any member of the organizational team of the Race.

Participants who show violent attitudes or throw garbage into nature will be disqualified from the competition. Siendo obligatorio respetar los cultivos, el ganado y la propiedad privada en general.

Participants will be responsible for damages caused as a result of this type of behavior.

It is totally forbidden to receive external help or supplies during the development of the test outside the points arranged by the Organization: these will coincide with the official supplies of the race.


La participación en RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE implica ser mayor de edad en el día de la celebración de la prueba.

La participación estará abierta a todas aquellas personas que formalicen correctamente tanto la INSCRIPCIÓN como el pago estipulado para las carreras.

Registration for RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE implies the acceptance of the rules and the adequate preparation of the participant for the test, being aware of the geographical and meteorological conditions that can be found in the environment where the event is disputed. In this sense, the participant exempts the Organization from possible health problems that may arise from their participation in RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE.

The runners registered for the test understand that they participate voluntarily and under their own responsibility in the event, and therefore, exempt the Organization of the test from all responsibility, and agree not to denounce the organizing entity, collaborators, sponsors and other participants; as well as not to initiate any civil liability claim towards the aforementioned parties.

Each participant will be able to enroll in one of the four modalities proposed for the race: 30 kilometers, 17 kilometers running or walking and 7 kilometers.

The registration period will be from March 14, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. to Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. No registration made outside this period will be accepted.

Registrations made before July 31 at 23:59 will have the option of a #RiberaRun t-shirt choosing their size at the time they register. Registrations made later, as of August 1, 2024, will not have the option of a t-shirt.

Registration will be made online by filling in all the fields of the form available on the website and the payment of the same will be made by debit or credit card in the last step of completing the form.

The registration price is as follows:

  • 30 kilometers €45
  • 17 kilometers €25
  • 7 kilometers 7€

As a local sports promotion action, the organization together with the City Council of Peñafiel will promote the participation of local runners, applying a discount for all those who prove their residence in Peñafiel. This will be accredited with the address that appears on the ID or through a certificate of residence that must be shown at the time of collection of bibs.

Registration entitles you to:

  • Participate in any of the four modalities.
  • Correctly marked circuit.
  • Transportation to the corresponding places of departure, to be chosen at the time of registration.
  • Test insurance coverage.
  • Cup finisher at the end of the corresponding course and crossing the finish line.
  • Solid and liquid supplies during the test.
  • Time trial with chip.
  • Lunch at the end of the event, to be chosen at the time of registration.
  • Assistance by health and security personnel.
  • Medal for the first classified and first classified in each category.
  • Trophies in each distance for the first three and first three of the general classification.
  • Free access to all services and areas destined for the corridor.


Todos los participantes tendrán el derecho de anular su inscripción y recibir la devolución del 75% del importe, únicamente en caso de lesión o enfermedad que les imposibilite realizar la carrera en la fecha estipulada.

Only withdrawal refunds sent before September 1, 2024 will be accepted.

In order for the cancellation to be admitted, the medical proof that proves the inability to perform the test on the stipulated date must be attached.

All returns will be made within 30 days of the date of acceptance of the request.

Una vez realizada la solicitud de baja, la plaza pasa a disposición de la Organización, quien la cederá al candidato que ocupe la primera posición en la lista de espera en aquel momento.


Bib numbers and runner’s bag can only be collected in the enabled delivery areas, on Friday, September 13, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the hotel AZZ Peñafiel Las Claras ****, Plaza Adolfo MuñozAlonso, s/n., 47300 Peñafiel, Valladolid.

The race bibs for the Ribera Run Promo and the children’s races can be picked up on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 16:00h.
at Plaza del Coso 47300 Peñafiel, Valladolid.

The participant will be obliged to wear the number throughout the test, always on the front of the body, in a fully visible way and above the clothes. It is strictly forbidden to bend, trim or manipulate the bib.

Cada dorsal será personal e intransferible. The number must be collected by the holder or by a third party as long as he presents express authorization from the holder and a photocopy of the ID and/or passport.

Once the participant is identified, by means of ID or PASSPORT the staff of the delivery of bibs and chips will place a single-use identification bracelet on the participant’s wrist, it must be worn throughout the test, since it gives its wearer (together with the bib) access to all the services enabled for the participants: departure area, refreshments, transport for retirees, medical services, collection of a race bag … etc.

No llevar puesta la pulsera durante la prueba invalidará el dorsal.

A cada participante se le asignará un número de dorsal que será determinado de forma aleatoria en todos los casos, excepto para los primeros números que serán determinados por la Organización.


The organization OBLIGES the runners of the RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCIE to carry the following material to be able to perform the test.

  • Chip provided by the organization.
  • Dorsal provided by the organization.
  • Suitable shoes for sports practice.
  • Glass or container for liquid supplies. No cups will be provided at the refreshment posts for the replacement of water and/or isotonic drinks.
  • Mobile phone turned on and with enough battery.

The organization RECOMMENDS that the runners of the RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE bring the following material to be able to take the test.

  • Full, useful water tank of at least 0.5 L.
  • Windbreaker jacket with hood and long sleeves of the size corresponding to the runner.
  • Manta térmica o de supervivencia (mínimo 1,20 x 2,10 m).
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen: total protection.
  • Electrolytes and/or salts
  • Food reserve: bars, gels, fruit
  • Backpack appropriate to the volume of the material and pace of the race.


El itinerario de la carrera estará señalizado con cinta balizadora y señalética específica creada para la prueba. El rutómetro de la misma estará publicado en la página web oficial de la carrera. Any change or modification to it will be made public by the same means.

Each participant must follow the entire marked route, without skipping the signs and passing through all the checkpoints.

Está totalmente prohibido recibir ayuda externa o avituallamiento durante el desarrollo de la prueba fuera de los puntos dispuestos por la Organización: éstos coincidirán con los avituallamientos oficiales de la carrera. De igual manera, está prohibido ir acompañado de otras personas que no sean participantes inscritos en la prueba.

En cada punto de avituallamiento habrá una hora de cierre determinada, siendo requisito indispensable salir del mismo antes de la hora de cierre establecida para poder seguir en la prueba.

Each refreshment will have food and drinks that will vary depending on the kilometer where it is. Food and drinks must be consumed in the supply itself in sufficient quantity to guarantee energy reserves to be able to reach the next, except for the water that can also be loaded in the tanks and tanks carried by the corridor.

Para utilizar el avituallamiento será requisito imprescindible llevar puestos la pulsera y el dorsal.


Los únicos vehículos que podrán seguir la prueba, serán los acreditados por la Organización. Queda totalmente prohibido seguir a los corredores en cualquier tipo de vehículo a motor, de tracción animal o sobre ruedas (patines, bicicletas, etc…), teniendo orden expresa la Policía Local de retirarlos del circuito.


Durante toda la prueba habrá varios equipos médicos y de seguridad que estarán coordinados con el 112 por la dirección central de RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE.

All runners will submit to the judgment of the doctor whenever he requests it, the evaluation of the medical team being the one that prevails over any other, so doctors will be able to:

  • Remove from the test (cannulating the number) any runner they consider unsuitable for
  • Order the evacuation of any runner to whomever they consider in
  • Order the hospitalization of any runner when it is considered


Los abandonos deberán realizarse en los puntos de control. If due to an accident or injury, the runner is immobilized and cannot reach a checkpoint, he will activate the rescue operation by contacting the organization by phone using the emergency mobile phone.

Once in the provisioning, the runner will communicate his willingness to leave the test to the person responsible for the provisioning so that he can cancel the bib number and identify him as retired.

Hay que tener en cuenta que únicamente en los avituallamientos, indicados como puntos con CONTROL DE RETIRADA, existirán medios de transporte para evacuar a los corredores que abandonen.

In the event that the retired runner chooses to return with his own means, he must also inform the person responsible for the supply of his abandonment so that he can cancels his number and identifies him as withdrawn, since otherwise the Organization will take him for lost and activate the rescue alarm.


In case of bad weather conditions or causes of force majeure, the Organization reserves the right to suspend, neutralize or modify the time slots and/or the course of the test.


La dirección de carrera, así como cualquier miembro de la Organización, vigilarán la aplicación del Reglamento y están habilitados para aplicar de manera inmediata las penalizaciones o descalificaciones siguientes:


  • Salida del recorrido marcado aunque no represente un atajo importante, pero que se efectúe fuera del itinerario balizado. Penalty 5 min.
  • Departure of the marked route representing a shortcut Penalty 30 min, 1st notice. Disqualification 2º notice.
  • Acompañamiento por una persona no inscrita en la carrera y no autorizada previamente por la Organización. Penalty 30 min, 1st Disqualification 2º notice.
  • Run with someone else’s number. Disqualification and prohibition from participating in future
  • Running as a minor at an unauthorized distance. Descalificación.
  • Asistencia individual fuera del radio de un avituallamiento. Penalización 15 min, 1er aviso. Descalificación 2º aviso.
  • Tirar desperdicios durante el recorrido. Descalificación.
  • Non-assistance to a person in difficulty (wound, great exhaustion, hypothermia …) Disqualification and prohibition to participate in future
  • No pasar un Punto de Control. Descalificación.
  • Refuse to undergo a medical check-use or a Disqualification check.
  • Quitar o cambiar las marcas puestas por la organización. Disqualification and prohibition of participating in futures
  • Use of a means of Passing the bib to another runner. Disqualification and prohibition of participating in future editions.
  • Abandono de la carrera sin avisar la organización. Descalificación.
  • No realizar la totalidad del recorrido a pie por el lugar marcado por la organización. Descalificación.
  • Do not wear the bib on the front of the clothes and instead Warning and Disqualification if the runner persists in his attitude.
  • Invest more time than established by the organization in completing the entire route, as well as exceeding the maximum partial times established per section. Declassification.


Las categorías establecidas para RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE serán las siguientes:

  • ABSOLUTA MASCULINA (18 años en adelante. Cumplidos los 18 años antes de la celebración de la prueba). ABSOLUTA FEMENINA (18 años en adelante. Cumplidos los 18 años antes de la celebración de la prueba).
  • PROMESAS MASCULINO (18 años a 23 años, que no cumplan los 24 años el año de referencia). PROMESAS FEMENINO (18 años a 23 años, que no cumplan los 24 años el año de referencia).
  • SENIOR MASCULINO (24 años a 39 años. Cumplidos el año de la competición). SENIOR FEMENINO (24 años a 39 años. Cumplidos el año de la competición).
  • VETERANOS MASCULINA (De 40 a 50 años. Cumplidos el año de la competición). VETERANOS FEMENINA (De 40 a 50 años. Cumplidos el año de la competición).
  • MALE MASTER (51 years and older.) FEMALE MASTER (51 years and older).

En la modalidad RIBERA RUN y RR MEDIA se otorgarán trofeo a los tres primeros clasificados de la categoría absoluta masculina y femenina y al primero de cada subcategoría establecida, tanto masculino como femenino.

In the RR PROMO modality, only the first three of the men’s absolute category and the first three of the women’s absolute category will have a prize.


Se otorgará trofeo al primer club/equipo clasificado, para ello se sumarán los tiempos de los 3 mejores corredores de cada club, en caso de empate entre varios clubes prevalecerá la mejor posición del primer corredor del club. Para optar a esta clasificación, los corredores deberán realizar la inscripción reflejando el nombre de su club.

La no presencia en el acto de entrega de trofeos, se entenderá como renuncia a los trofeos o premios conseguidos. Toda delegación en otra persona para la recogida de los trofeos y premios, deberá ser conocida y autorizada por la Organización al menos con 3 horas de antelación a la entrega.


The acceptance of this Regulation obligatorily implies that the participant authorizes Deparunner, S.L. to take photographs and film their participation in any of the modalities of RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE, and gives them his consent to its dissemination, commercial and advertising exploitation of all the images taken during the RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE, in which it is clearly identifiable without the right on the part of the runner to receive any economic compensation, Deparunner, S.L. reserves the exclusive right on the image of the RIBERA RUN EXPERIENCE, as well as the audiovisual, photographic and journalistic exploitation of the competition. Cualquier proyecto mediático o publicitario deberá contar previamente con el consentimiento expreso y por escrito de la Organización. En caso contrario, se emprenderán cuantas acciones legales se estimen pertinentes.


In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform participants that their personal data will become part of a file called “Participants Deportivos Events”, owned by the entity Deparunner, S.L. with the purpose of managing the organization, realization and dissemination of sports events, the publication of the classifications, as well as the safety of their participants. The recipients of this data are the entity its own. The participant is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided and has the right to exercise his rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of his data in the scope recognized by Organic Law 15/99 of December 13. To exercise them, you must write to Deparunner, S.L. at the following address